Monitor Shuts Off When Playing Games! Get the Real Solutions!

Monitor shuts off while playing games it is so irritating . Playing online games is also an earning profession for many people. If the monitor shuts off while playing, it creates serious issues for the professionals. Nowadays, it’s a very common reason, and we know every problem has a solution to fix it. 

Have you ever been playing a game and noticed your monitor shut off? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. There has been a trend of people posting their issues with this on various forums. Several companies have released monitors that automatically turn off when the computer is in use. 

This saves the company money by not having to produce as much electricity to power the monitors. However, if you’re reading this then you’re probably still trying to figure out how to resolve the issue on your own computer. In this article, I will share some reasons and solutions for why the monitor shuts off while playing games. 

Monitor Shuts off When Playing Games (Reasons and Solutions) 

If your monitor turns off while you are working on your computer, it might be due to several issues. The computer may have told the monitor to go to sleep, or the graphics card or power supply may be malfunctioning.

The issues I had been experiencing with my computer were really starting to irritate me. Every time I played a game or watched a video, my monitor would turn off.

After a quick Google search, I was able to determine that it was due to my Power Options in Windows not being configured properly. This article will teach you how to solve this problem on your computer.

Here are some of the reasons why the monitor shuts off while playing

Find Out Here: Is Your Monitor on Its Last Legs?

1.  Hardware Failure:

            When any component faces an issue, your PC turns off without warning. So it causes a serious issue for those playing online; their game is stuck in between. 


To prevent such kind of hardware failure issue, you have to remove the unnecessary hardware from your system; if still the issue is the same, try to remove the expansion card, modem, etc.                    

2.  Overheating: 

As we know, now a day some monitors have features like when any component of the monitor gets heated monitor turns off automatically. For gamers who play high-resolution games and use heavy software, it’s quite obvious the hardware got heated, which leads to turning off. 


Sometimes the heat issue comes from your central part of the system and disturbs the whole system. The only solution that you can analyze the system is overheating by the sound of your fan. If the sound of the fan is high, you got to know that the system is overheated. So quickly turn off your monitor or take possible action so your work won’t be disturbed. 

3.  Outdated Drivers: 

As we all know, the drivers are the essential GPU we use in our systems. If your drivers are not updated, you can’t get access to the latest updates and features of GPU, and because of that, your video card misbehaves and lead to shutting off your monitor while playing games.


First, try to purchase GPU from the official website; secondly, Update your GPU from time to time so that you will get access to the latest features and updates; if you update it timely, you won’t face video card misbehaving issues. 

Please turn on your automatic updates so that when the required updates come, it automatically updates them. And you prevent the monitor from shutting off.

4.  Video Cable

When the monitor turns off while playing games, it has numerous reasons that we already discussed above. If your hardware is not heated, there is no hardware failure issue, and your system is completely turned off, it might be a video cable issue. 


If your system completely turns off, try to check your power cable is tightly plugged in. try to check the wire completely to see if there’s any damage; if your wire is damaged, try to change it.

On the other hand, if you stop receiving signals while playing games, the issue might be in the video cable. You need to check which cable is for your monitor as we know many cables are available. 

Detached the cable and then attached it again tightly. 

What To Do About It-Troubleshooter

Monitor shuts off when playing games. There are a few things you can try. Problem with your PC or Monitor? If your computer goes to sleep mode, the screen will shut off and then the situation seems like it is happening again. But you may have to do this a few times. 

You can also try these ideas: Have an intruder in there who often causes inconvenience in our PC. If the monitor works fine, but not after you have turned it on hard over and over again, then there is something on the monitor’s side, which has not been able to distinguish between different programs; thus causing this trouble.

If your monitor has been shutting off when you play games, then it is likely a sign of a problem with your graphics card. One way to find out if this is the case is to download and install a program like GPU-Z which is used to track the activity of GPUs.

 If power consumption sensors show your GPU adjusting its power consumption when playing games but not during normal use, then it’s likely that your GPU’s cooling system or its components have failed and should be replaced as soon as possible.

5 Side Effects of Monitor Shuts Off When Playing Games:

1. Damage to the monitor. The monitor may be damaged if the computer shuts off while you are playing a game. Your graphics card may overheat, which is a common cause of monitor shutdowns. You can avoid this by keeping your computer cool and cleaning dust from your system frequently.

2. Loss of data. If your computer shuts down while you are playing a game, you could lose game progress and other data stored on the machine’s hard drive and memory cards.

3. Possible damage to other hardware components in your computers, such as video cards and motherboards. If you are using an older computer that has not been updated with newer components, then it may not be able to handle demanding games well enough to avoid this problem altogether (although it will likely still work better than before).

4. Damage or failure of any external devices connected to your computers such as printers or monitors; these will stop functioning properly once power gets cut off unexpectedly!

5. Loss of internet access; if there were any active connections running when this happened then they might also be lost!

Table of Pros and Cons of Monitor Shuts Off When Playing Games

1.    Saves energyIf you’re playing a multiplayer game, it may be difficult to rejoin your team if the monitor shuts off while you’re playing
2.    Saves money on electricity billsIf your monitor shuts off while you’re using it, you could lose data or have to restart a project
3.    Does not overheat the computer’s components 


Shutting off your monitor is not always a sign of a broken monitor. The monitor is programmed to shut off if there is a power surge, so this might be the case, especially if you live in an area where the voltage tends to fluctuate. 

The best way to fix this problem involves removing and repairing the faulty power supply. The power supply is an external component that connects your laptop to an electrical source; it is where you plug in the computer’s power cord. If your computer stops responding when you play games, try the following steps first:

As we know, many reasons lead your monitor to turn off while playing games. But we have many solutions as well to solve such circumstances. I share all my expertise on how to cater to the situation when your monitor turns off while playing a game; I hope so this article will help you. 


Why does my monitor turn off when playing games?

When your monitor turns off while you are working, it might be that your system is confused about power management or that the GPU or PSU is malfunctioning. There are several factors that could cause a monitor to turn off randomly.

Why does my monitor keep blacking out when playing games?

When a graphics driver has errors or is outdated, a black screen can occur while gaming. To eliminate the possibility of getting a black screen, make sure you have the latest graphics card driver installed on your PC.

Why does my PC keep turning off my monitor?

The issue may be caused by outdated graphics drivers, insufficient power to the GPU or monitor, problems with the power supply to the monitor, or sometimes even an issue with your monitor. The following are some of the most common reasons why a monitor may turn on and off.

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