How To Clean IPS Monitor? Mastering Monitor Maintenance!

Have you ever wondered how to clean IPS monitor? You have many options available, and each of them gives you a different result. Now it is time for you to decide.

IPS (In-Plane Switching) monitors are known for their superior quality in clarity and color as compared to the traditional TN (Twisted Nematic) monitors. So let’s see!

How to Clean IPS Monitor?

Wipe the monitor with a damp cloth. Do not use abrasive cleaners or alcohol. This can damage the screen’s coating. Turn off your computer and unplug it from the wall outlet. Use a clean, lint-free cloth to wipe away dust and dirt on the screen. Do not use any liquid cleaners on your screen as they may damage it permanently.

Gently wipe the monitor with a microfiber cloth in small circles to remove any remaining dust particles from its surface (the same way you would clean your eyeglasses).

IPS monitors are known for their wide viewing angles. This means that the colors of the screen don’t change depending on where you’re sitting or standing in front of it. 

Also See:” Best Practices for Cleaning Your Benq Monitor.”

Gathering Your Cleaning Supplies

The first step to cleaning your IPS monitor is to gather the supplies that you’ll need. You will need a soft, lint-free cloth (such as microfiber). 

You’ll also want a glass cleaner or window cleaner.

You want to make sure that the cloth is lint-free, because any lint on it can scratch your screen. The best way to do this is by using a dusting brush or an air compressor.

If you don’t have either of those items, there are other ways to get rid of lint from your cloth—you can use tape or sticky notes. 

Just stick them on the cloth and then peel them off again!

Preparing Your Workspace

Before you start cleaning,  I advise you to make sure that you have all of the necessary materials and supplies. 

You will need a damp cloth, a dry microfiber cloth, a can of compressed air (or an air blower), and a screen protector if you want to protect the screen of your monitor.

You should also make sure that you have a safe place to put items like pens and paper while you are working on your computer. 

This will help to keep things organized and clean up after yourself as well.

Turn off your computer, unplug it from the wall outlet or surge protector, then turn it back on again so that it is powered down completely.

Before cleaning any part of your monitor, make sure that it is turned off and disconnected from power sources like laptops or power strips. 

Make sure that other electronic devices are unplugged from power sources as well since they could cause damage if they get turned on while cleaning is being done around them!

A User’s Guide : “Navigating IPS Glow.

Using a Microfiber Cloth for Regular Cleaning

If you’re looking for a way to clean your IPS monitor, there are a few different options available. 

You can use a dry microfiber cloth or alcohol, but if you want to avoid using chemicals, then the best option is an alcohol-free foam pad.

The first thing you should do is check the manufacturer’s manual for specific instructions on how to clean your IPS monitor. 

Some manufacturers recommend using a mild detergent and water or cleaning products designed specifically for electronics. 

Other manufacturers recommend using only water or a special cleaning solution designed for monitors.

If you don’t have any instructions from the manufacturer, then it’s best to use distilled water and a dry microfiber cloth. 

Make sure that your monitor is turned off before cleaning it so that it doesn’t get damaged by static electricity caused by friction between the cloth and glass surface of the screen.

You should also avoid using paper towels because they will scratch up your monitor over time. 

Microfiber cloths are softer than paper towels but are still tough enough to get rid of dust without damaging surfaces like glass or plastic screens on laptops or desktop computers;

Avoiding Harsh Chemicals and Liquids

IPS monitors are delicate and sensitive to chemicals. 

They have a coating over the screen that protects it from fingerprints and other damage, but this coating also makes them vulnerable to harsh chemicals. 

Because of this, I recommend avoiding any cleaning solutions that contain alcohol or ammonia.

To clean your IPS monitor, use a soft, lint-free cloth with a very mild solution such as water and dish soap. 

Make sure that your cloth is clean before you begin—you can use the same cloth for all of your monitors if you want to save some time!

If any marks or smudges remain on your screen after wiping it down with water and dish soap, you may need to apply another layer of lint-free cloth and repeat until they are gone completely.

Cleaning the Monitor Stand 

The monitor stand is an important part of your desk setup, and it’s also one of the most important parts to keep clean. 

Make sure to use a dry cloth or microfiber cloth when cleaning the stand, as using water or a damp cloth can damage the finish on your monitor stand.

To clean the stand, gently wipe down with a dry cloth. If there are any stains or marks on the stand itself, wipe them off with a microfiber cloth dampened with water. 

I advise you to not get any liquid inside of the monitor stand!

Cleaning the Screen’s Edges and Corners

To clean the edges and corners of your IPS monitor, use a lint-free cloth and some rubbing alcohol.

First, grab your lint-free cloth and dampen it with some rubbing alcohol. You want to use just enough to dampen the cloth, but not so much that it drips off when you hold it up.

Then, wipe down the screen’s edges and corners. 

This can be done by holding the cloth over one area of the screen at a time and gently rubbing it back and forth. If there are any stubborn stains, use a cotton swab to get them out.

Reconnecting and Powering On the Monitor

If you find that your monitor is not displaying an image, first check to make sure it is properly connected to a power source. 

If the monitor still does not display an image, you may need to restart or power off the monitor and then turn it back on again.

To reconnect and power on the monitor:

  • Unplug the power cord from both the computer and wall outlet.
  • Wait one minute.
  • Then plug in both ends of the power cord into the correct ports on both devices (computer and monitor).
  • Press the power button on your monitor to turn it back on.
  • If necessary, press any keys on your keyboard to bring up your desktop/start menu as well as open any applications running in the background before clicking OK.
  • Enter when prompted by Windows (if applicable).

Performing Regular Maintenance

The biggest factor I found in the longevity of your IPS monitor is how well you care for it. The first thing to do is to make sure that your monitor is clean. 

If there are any dust or dirt particles on the screen, they will scratch it over time. 

You should also use a soft cloth to clean the screen to avoid scratches in addition to using the monitor’s own cleaning tools.

If you have pets or children, then you should take additional precautions because these can damage your IPS monitor as well. 

Pets are attracted by the scent of fruit and other scented items so be careful about leaving them near your computer.

Children should also be supervised at all times because they may place objects into their mouths which could ruin your computer equipment if ingested by accident.

Another issue with pets and children is chewing on cables which can cause power failure or even damage the connection ports inside the cabinet itself if chewed enough times over time. 

It’s important to keep these wires out of reach from pets and children so that they don’t accidentally chew on them while playing outside or indoors without supervision.

Time Cycle Required: Cleaning within Few Minutes

NoDescriptionTime Required
1Turn off the monitor and unplug it from the power source1 minute
2Gently wipe the screen with a microfiber cloth to remove any dust or dirt5 minute
3If there are any streaks or smudges on monitor, mix a small amount of mild soap and water in a spray bottle and lightly mist the screen3 minute
4Wipe the screen again with a microfiber cloth, being careful not to press too hard5 minute
5Dry the screen with a clean microfiber cloth3 minute
6Plug in the monitor and turn it on to ensure it is functioning properly1 minute
7Repeat these steps every 2-4 weeks to maintain a clean and clear display

Troubleshooting Common Cleaning Issues

Cleaning your IPS monitor is easy. I have listed some of the most common cleaning issues, and I’ll show you how to troubleshoot them.

1.The Screen is Too Bright / Too Dark:

If your screen is too bright or too dark, check the brightness settings on your monitor. If it’s set to high, turn it down until the image looks normal again. 

If that doesn’t work, check in your computer’s settings menu for a brightness adjustment option and try adjusting that instead.

2.The Image Looks Blurry:

If your image looks blurry or distorted, check for any dust on the screen with a magnifying glass or handheld mirror (but don’t touch anything!). 

If there is dust present, use a soft cloth to remove it from the screen with minimal pressure so as not to scratch anything off!

Ending Lines

In this blog I have discussed How To Clean IPS Monitor? So this is how you clean an IPS Monitor? But don’t forget, while cleaning the monitor remember to follow every step.

Like make sure you disconnect the power cable before doing any kind of maintenance work on the monitor.


What if my monitor has a matte or anti-glare screen? How should I clean it?

If your monitor has a matte or anti-glare screen, you should clean it with a microfiber cloth instead of a paper towel. The microfiber cloth will absorb the dust.

Can I use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust from my monitor?

A soft brush attachment on a vacuum cleaner can help remove dust from the monitor’s vents and crevices, but avoid being rough so as not to scratch its surface.

What should I avoid when cleaning my IPS monitor?

Use a soft cloth, mild soap and lukewarm water to clean your computer screen. Don’t apply too much pressure when cleaning because this can cause damage or break the monitor’s glass.

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