How To Clean Monitor Screen Without Streaks? Find Out!

Have you noticed vertical lines or streaks on your computer monitor after some time ?  In today’s article, I am going to provide information about how to clean monitor screen without streaks.

When it comes to monitors, I think the most annoying problem is if you don’t keep your monitor clean but don’t worry as I am going to solve this problem. So, let’s go!

How to Clean Monitor Screen Without Streaks?

Use a soft, lint-free cloth to gently wipe the screen in Z motion from top to bottom. Then use another clean microfiber cloth to dry off any moisture left on your screen. In order to clean your monitor without leaving streaks or smudges behind, you’ll need to use a special cleaning solution that won’t leave behind residue when it dries. 

It’s important that you follow all directions exactly as they’re written so that you don’t damage your monitor or cause any other issues with it.

You can find screen cleaners at most electronics stores or online retailers. Cleaning your monitor screen is one of the most important things you can do to make sure it’s in good working order. 

Choosing the Right Cleaning Cloth

The first thing you need to consider when cleaning your monitor is what cloth you should use. 

It’s important to choose the right cleaning cloth for the job, because different types of clothes have different features and benefits that make them better suited for certain jobs. 

For example, I found that microfiber cloths are great for removing fingerprints from your screen, but don’t work so well at absorbing liquids like water or oil-based cleaners.

Selecting a Suitable Cleaning Solution

The best way to clean your monitor screen without streaks is by using a cleaning solution that is designed specifically for monitors. 

These cleaning solutions are made to dissolve dirt, dust and grime from the surface of your screen without scratching or damaging the surface. 

They are available in different sizes and prices. Some of the most popular brands of monitor cleaning solutions include:

  • Windex (Cleaning Products)
  • 3M (Cleaning Products)
  • G Tech (Cleaning Products)

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Preparing Your Monitor for Cleaning

When you’re looking to clean your monitor, there are a few things you should keep in mind. 

First and foremost, make sure you have a good cleaning solution and a soft cloth that won’t scratch the screen when it comes in contact with it. 

Your monitor’s screen is delicate, so it’s important to use a gentle cleaner. Next, I suggest you turn off your computer and unplug it from the wall. 

Then use a soft cloth to wipe down any dust from the area around your monitor’s screen as well as any cables (if possible). 

This will help prevent any dirt from getting on your monitor as you’re cleaning it. And if there’s any dust left after this step, use compressed air to blow it away!

Now that we’ve got everything prepped, let’s get started!

Proper Cleaning Technique

The most common mistake people make when cleaning their monitors is using circular motions. This just ends up smearing your screen with streaks, and can even damage it over time.

Instead, I advise using gentle and even pressure, which will help you avoid streaks while still removing dust and other particles from your monitor.

The best way to avoid streaks on your monitor screen is to use a soft, lint-free cloth. Wipe the screen in one direction only. The first part of this process should be done with the cloth dry. 

Then, use a slightly dampened cloth and wipe again in the same direction as before. Finally, finish off by using a dry cloth and wiping in the same direction as before again.

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DIY Cleaning Solution Recipes

When it comes to cleaning your monitor, you have a few options. You can use a cleaning solution that you mix yourself, or you can buy one that’s premade.

If you want to make your own, there are plenty of recipes online, but here are some basic guidelines:

  • Use distilled water as the base for any cleaning solution. This will ensure that any minerals or other contaminants won’t be left behind on your screen.
  • Be sure to thoroughly rinse off any residue from this solution before you begin using your monitor again.
  • Mix up a solution of 1 part white vinegar, 1 part water, and 2 parts rubbing alcohol (make sure it’s 70% alcohol). 
  • Let this sit for at least 5 minutes before wiping down your screen with it. 
  • This will help loosen up dirt and grime so that they’ll come off easily when you wipe them away with a soft cloth afterwards.

Mixing and Testing Your Homemade Solution

Before you clean your monitor, I advise you to make sure you have the right solution. If it’s too strong, it could damage the screen. 

For example, if you think you need more water in your homemade cleaning solution, add a little bit at a time until you get the consistency that looks right to you.

When testing your solution, use an old rag or paper towel to wipe down your monitor screen. Don’t use anything that will leave streaks or marks on the screen when you’re done testing!

Commercial Cleaning Products

There are several different types of commercial monitor cleaners available on the market today. 

Each one has its own instructions for use, so it’s important before purchasing a cleaner that you read the instructions carefully and follow them correctly.

For example, some cleaners require that you wipe them off with a dry cloth after using them on the screen. 

It’s also important that you don’t spray any type of cleaner directly onto your screen; instead, spray it onto a soft cloth first and then apply it to the screen gently with circular motions.

Continue wiping until all streaks have been removed from view completely (about 30 seconds).

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Cleaning Different Types of Monitor Screens

I have stated methods for cleaning different types of screens; so whether your monitor has LCD or LED, you can follow the instructions below.

1.LCD Monitors

This type of monitor is one of the most common, and it’s easy to clean. The first step is to turn off and unplug your LCD monitor. 

Most LCD monitors have a removable panel at the back or bottom that you can remove with a screwdriver. 

You will see a filter behind this panel. Use an air duster to blow the dust from the filter and then clean it with a soft cloth. 

If you can’t remove the filter, wipe it with a soft cloth dampened with water.

2.LED Monitors

LED monitors are generally easier to clean than LCD monitors because they don’t have a filter you need to remove. 

However, if you do have an LED monitor with a filter and wish to clean it, use an air duster as described above for an LCD monitor or wipe it gently with a dampened cloth.

3.CRT Monitors

You can clean your CRT monitor with a standard glass cleaner and cloth. If you want to remove dirt from the screen, simply spray the cloth with glass cleaner and wipe away the dirt. 

Make sure not to spray directly on the screen, as this could cause damage.

If you want to clean fingerprints or oil from your screen, use a soft, dry cloth to wipe away the grease first. Then use a wet cleaning solution—just be sure not to spray directly on the screen!

To get rid of dust or dirt that has accumulated on your monitor’s case, use a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment or compressed air (you’ll need an adapter if you don’t already have one).

If you have any stubborn marks or stains on your screen, try using rubbing alcohol or toothpaste instead of glass cleaner. Just make sure not to get any liquid inside the actual computer!

4.Touchscreen Monitors

Cleaning a touchscreen monitor is very similar to cleaning a regular monitor. You should clean the screen with a microfiber cloth to remove any dust or debris.

 If you notice that the screen has been smudged by your fingers, you can use a slightly damp paper towel to gently wipe away any fingerprints or smudges.

You should also clean the exterior of your monitor with a soft cloth and warm water. 

If there are any visible stains on your monitor, you may want to consider using an anti-stain spray before wiping down the surface with a soft cloth and warm water.

Maintaining a Clean Monitor

Do you want to avoid future treks? If yes, then I recommend reading the table below and follow the instructions,

1Clean your monitor regularly with a microfiber cloth.
2Use a screen cleaner solution for stubborn smudges.
3Power off your monitor before cleaning to avoid damage.
4Avoid using abrasive materials like paper towels.
5Keep liquids and beverages away from your screen.
6Adjust your monitor’s brightness to a comfortable level.
7Minimize direct sunlight and glare on your screen.
8Be gentle when pressing buttons or touching the screen.
9Use a screen protector to reduce the risk of scratches.
10Update your graphics drivers for optimal performance.

Wrapping Up

In this blog I have discussed How To Clean Monitor Screen Without Streaks? 

Hopefully this article has given you some insight into how to clean your monitor screen without streaks and is something you can benefit from in the future.


Can I Use Water Alone to Clean My Monitor?

Distilled water is best for cleaning monitors because it’s free of impurities that can damage the screen or leave streaks.

Is it Safe to Rub Alcohol on My Screen?

Never use cleaning agents like ethanol, rubbing alcohol, or bleach on your computer screen. These products can leave permanent damage to the monitor’s finish.

How Often Should I Clean My Monitor?

Experts recommend that you should clean your screen at most every three to six months.

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