What is IPS GLOW? The Science Behind IPS Glow!

What is IPS Glow; sounds like a glow you might get from Green Tea or perhaps fish oils, but it is actually a type of monitor backlighting that is all the rage these days. 

However, if you are not familiar with IPS Glow, then I will tell you what it is and how it affects your overall viewing experience when using a computer monitor.

What is IPS Glow?

IPS glow is a phenomenon that occurs in some LCD monitors when viewing dark images on their screens at high brightness settings, particularly in low-light environments. It’s basically the light that leaks out of the edges of your screen, which is caused by a backlight design in which the LEDs are placed at the edge of the screen. 

When you’re looking at your monitor from an angle and you see a glow around it, this is what we’re talking about.

IPS Glow was first noticed in IPS monitors—hence the name—but it’s also been reported in other types of displays, including TN panels.

Understanding LCD Displays and IPS Glow

As I have already discussed above, IPS glow mainly occurs in LCD screens; so, now I am going to explain LCD screens and IPS glow in detail; so, keep reading.

LCD displays are made up of millions of pixels. Each pixel is made up of three sub-pixels: red, green, and blue. 

The colors that you see on your screen are created by combining these three colors. The more sub-pixels in a pixel, the better your display will look.

The colors on an LCD screen are created from light passing through liquid crystals within each pixel. 

These liquid crystals can be switched between transparent and opaque with electricity; when they are transparent, they let light through to create color on the screen.

Click here to see: “Effective ways to clean your BenQ monitor”.

IPS Glow

IPS glow is an issue that occurs when light passes through an IPS display over time and causes it to lose contrast and brightness. 

This happens because of a natural chemical reaction that occurs in the liquid crystal layer of the panel (the same layer where color is created). 

As this layer ages over time, it becomes less effective at blocking light from passing through it while still being able to switch between transparent and opaque states.

Effects of IPS Glow on Display Quality

IPS Glow is a phenomenon that occurs when a display has been left on for long periods of time. 

It causes the display to appear foggy, which reduces image quality and makes it difficult to see details.

IPS Glow is caused by long-term use of an LCD screen with poor backlighting or poor anti-glare coating. 

The effects of IPS Glow can range from minor to severe, depending on how often the screen is used and how intense the backlight is.

IPS Glow will not harm your device or cause any permanent damage, but it can make it difficult to read text or see images clearly on your screen. 

If you notice signs of IPS Glow on your device’s display, I suggest turning off your device’s power saving mode or adjusting brightness settings so that they do not affect the backlight.

Moreover, IPS glow is most noticeable when your eyes are approximately 20 degrees or more off-angle from center. 

The effect becomes less noticeable as you move farther away from the center, and it’s usually not visible if you’re looking directly at the screen.

IPS glow has a negative impact on image quality because it reduces contrast and affects color accuracy. 

If you’re viewing content at an angle, you’ll notice that colors appear washed out and dark areas tend to look grayish instead of black.

IPS Glow in Different Lighting Conditions

According to the research I did, IPS Glow is a technology that allows IPS monitors to achieve the same color fidelity in any lighting conditions.

IPS Glow technology has been developed by Samsung Electronics, and it is currently being used in its 2019 QLED monitor lineup.

In an office environment with overhead lighting on (left), the screen appears darker than usual. However, with IPS Glow technology, the screen does not get darker or dim at all.

In a dark room with only a table lamp (center), the screen remains bright and vibrant. 

Using traditional IPS panel technology, this may have resulted in a dimmer image or even one that looked washed out because of lower contrast ratios between light and dark colors.

Finally, in direct sunlight (right), IPS Glow ensures that there are no changes to contrast ratio—it remains vibrant even when exposed to direct sunlight.

IPS Glow works by adjusting the amount of light that comes through each pixel. 

This means that instead of having one uniform brightness across your entire screen, there will be areas where there are brighter pixels than others, creating a sort of glow effect. 

This makes it easier for your eyes to focus on different elements on the screen without having to adjust themselves constantly for differences in brightness between them.

Preventing IPS Glow

IPS glow can be reduced by using a matte anti-glare filter on your monitor, but it cannot be completely eliminated.

I have listed several preventive measures through which you can manage or reduce it.

1Proper LightingUse ambient lighting to reduce glare on the monitor.
2Monitor PositioningAdjust the monitor’s angle and position to minimize glare.
3Lower BrightnessReduce monitor brightness to decrease IPS glow.
4Correct Color CalibrationCalibrate color settings for optimal display performance.
5Update Graphics DriversKeep graphics drivers up to date for better compatibility.
6Use a Screen FilterApply an anti-glare screen filter to reduce reflections.
7Avoid Direct Light SourcesPosition the monitor away from direct light sources.
8Reduce Room Light IntensityDim the room lights to minimize screen reflections.
9Check for Panel QualityInvest in high-quality IPS panels with better anti-glare coatings.
10Use Dark ModeUtilize dark mode in software to reduce screen brightness.

Is IPS Glow a Defect or Normal?

IPS glow is normal in IPS displays—it’s not a defect. It can vary from one screen to the next, and even among multiple monitors using the same display model.

IPS glow is a normal part of IPS panels. IPS stands for “in-plane switching”, and it’s a type of LCD display that has several advantages over other types of LCDs.

One of the main benefits of an IPS panel is that the viewing angle is much wider than other types of displays. 

That means you can look at your screen from an off-angle and still see the same color accuracy and contrast as if you were looking straight on.

The downside to this is that, when viewed from an angle, there will be some light leakage from the backlight through to the front of the screen. 

This can create what looks like a bluish glow around the edges.

Also See:” Achieve crystal-clear results: How to clean your monitor screen without streaks.”

IPS Glow and Gaming/Entertainment

IPS glow is a phenomenon that occurs when viewing an LCD display at an angle. 

IPS (In-Plane Switching) technology is used in many modern monitors, so it is important to understand how this can affect your gaming experience.

IPS glow is caused by the backlight bleeding through the panel and showing up on the edges of the screen. 

The effect can occur if you are sitting directly in front of your monitor or if you are viewing the screen from an angle.

IPS glow has been a problem for gamers since it was first introduced, but with recent advancements in technology, there have been some solutions developed for this problem. 

Some manufacturers have implemented filters on their monitors that help reduce IPS glow and make it less noticeable than before.

Other companies have designed monitors with thicker bezels to reduce glare from ambient lighting conditions like sunlight or fluorescent lights in office buildings.

Dealing with IPS Glow in Professional Work

While it’s not uncommon to see a bit of IPS glow on your screen, it can be quite frustrating. 

If you’re a professional working with a lot of text and graphics, you’ll want to know how to deal with it as soon as possible.

The first thing you’ll want to do is take a look at your monitor’s settings. You may need to adjust the brightness or contrast levels of your computer so that they match those of your monitor. 

This will help reduce the effect of IPS glow.

If that doesn’t work, then you should consider adjusting the color temperature on your monitor or using an external light source (like an LED lamp) to illuminate part of your workspace. 

This will help balance out the lighting in your office and reduce the amount of IPS glow that affects what you see on screen.

If none of these fixes work for you, then it might be time for a new monitor altogether!

Considering IPS Glow When Buying a Monitor

If you’re in the market for a new monitor and want to know how to consider IPS glow when buying a monitor, then you’ve come to the right place.

IPS glow, also known as backlight bleed or uniformity issues, is a common problem with LCD monitors. 

If you’re looking at reviews of monitors, you’ll see that many reviewers mention IPS glow as one of their complaints about the monitor. 

This can be confusing because it seems like it would be easy to avoid by just looking for a monitor that doesn’t have any issues with uniformity—but there’s more to these issues.

Many people assume that IPS glow is a problem specific only to IPS panels (that is, panels made by LG Display). 

In reality, all LCD panels suffer from this issue—the only difference between them is how noticeable it is on each particular panel. 

Some manufacturers are better than others at minimizing or hiding IPS glow on their products; however, even if they do hide it very well (or even if they don’t), some people will still see it.

Concluding Lines

In this blog I have discussed What is IPS Glow? 

IPS glow is becoming more and more common, and thus it makes sense to understand it and how you can work around or lessen the effects of it. 

To do so you will need to know more about what IPS glow is, and how it affects your monitor’s quality. So, read the above blog carefully.


What are the alternatives to IPS displays if I want to avoid IPS Glow?

IPS Glow can be avoided by choosing other display panel technologies like OLED or VA (Vertical Alignment). Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, so research thoroughly.

Can I return or exchange a monitor because of IPS Glow?

Retailers and manufacturers have different policies for accepting returns or exchanges related to problems with display.

Are all IPS monitors affected by IPS Glow?

IPS monitors tend to have a glow, but the degree and quality of this effect varies. Good IPS monitors may be able to control it better than other models.

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