How to Run Dual Monitors with One HDMI Port? Expand Your Workspace!

.Just by reading this title, you might be wondering how to run dual monitors with one HDMI port? Well, I will tell you all about it. 

This is very much possible to do. All you need is the right device and some creativity. The idea is pretty straightforward. If you want to know; read this blog.

How To Run Dual Monitors With One HDMI Port?

Here are the steps to run dual monitors with one HDMI port:

  • Connect the HDMI cable from your computer to both monitors.
  • Turn on both monitors, and then plug in both of them.
  • Turn on your computer and let it boot up completely.
  • Go to your desktop, right-click on an empty space, and then click “Display Settings.” 

You should see a list of connected devices on your screen, including any displays you have connected via HDMI ports. 

Select each display individually by clicking on it once, then click “Make This My Main Display.” Repeat this process for each display until all of them are set as main displays.

Different HDMI Ports

There are different HDMI types which I have listed in the table below; so, let’s have a look!

NoHDMI TypesFeatures
1Standard HDMI portsAre typically found on older televisions and computers. They’re great for connecting high-definition video sources like game consoles or Blu-ray players because they can handle the high bandwidths required for those devices.
2Mini HDMI portsAre smaller than standard ones—they look like two small circles instead of wide circles with points in between them. These are often found on newer televisions and computers because they consume less space than their larger counterparts do; unfortunately
3Micro HDMI portsAre used in cell phones as well as mobile devices like tablets or laptops with small screens (under seven inches). They’re also known as “Type D” ports because they look like they have an extra pin compared to other micro HDMI ports (which only have nine pins)

Do I Need 2 HDMI Ports for 2 Monitors?

According to the research I did, the answer is Yes, you do need two HDMI ports for two monitors.

HDMI is a connection standard that allows you to connect devices such as your computer, gaming console, and Blu-ray player to an HDTV or other video monitor. 

The standard can transmit both video and audio signals over one cable. The first thing you need to know about HDMI cables is that they come in different lengths and resolutions. 

The length of the cable determines how far away from the source device (i.e., your computer) it can go before experiencing signal loss or degradation.

A longer cable will be able to provide a high-quality picture even at long distances, while a shorter cable won’t have as much bandwidth available for transmitting data across its length.

Simplify your setup: “How to connect Xbox One to PC using one HDMI port”

Check Your Hardware and Ports

You may be able to connect your computer to two monitors with a single HDMI port. However, you will need to make sure that your hardware and ports are compatible.

Step 1: Check Your Hardware

You will need a computer with an HDMI port and two monitor ports, as well as a graphics card that supports dual monitors. 

If your computer does not support dual monitors, then you will need to upgrade it with a new video card. 

In addition, you will need two monitors that also have an HDMI port and support two inputs (one for each monitor).

Step 2: Check Your Ports

If your computer has only one HDMI port but still supports dual monitors, then you will need an adapter cable that allows you to split the signal from this single port into two separate ports. 

This type of cable is called a splitter or repeater. You can purchase one on Amazon or eBay for less than $10 USD.

HDMI Splitter

HDMI splitters are a great way to connect multiple HDMI-enabled devices to a single HDMI output, which can be helpful if you don’t want to buy a new graphics card or cable. 

However, there are several drawbacks to using an HDMI splitter. 

For example, it takes up more space than a simple cable because it requires some sort of box to contain all of the electronics needed to split the signal. 

This means that you’ll need extra room behind your computer desk or TV stand in order to use one.

Graphics Card Ports

Graphics cards are designed specifically for gaming and other high-performance applications. 

They’re also capable of driving multiple monitors at once by connecting them directly with cables rather than through your computer’s motherboard like a typical desktop PC would do. 

However, this setup comes with its own set of drawbacks: namely expense and compatibility issues. 

For example, if you have older equipment (such as a CPU from Intel) then it may not support dual-monitor capability even if there’s enough space on your motherboard for two graphics cards.

Operating System Configuration

The best way to run dual monitors with one HDMI port is to use the Windows operating system. 

The PC will need to be set up in a way that allows it to display on both monitors without any limitations or restrictions, but this can be done using the Windows operating system.

In order to set up your PC in this way, you will need to go into your settings and find where it says “Multiple Displays.” 

This setting should be located somewhere under the Control Panel, though it could also be found through Display Settings in Windows 10. 

Once you have found this setting, you will want to see if there is an option for “Extend these displays.” 

If there isn’t, then you should be able to select which monitor is going to be used as your primary monitor and which one will serve as your secondary monitor. 

Once you have done this, all of your applications will automatically start displaying on both screens rather than just one screen at a time.

Explore non-HDMI options: “Connect Xbox One to PC without an extra port”

Troubleshooting Common Issues

HDMI ports are becoming more and more common on computers. They’re also becoming increasingly popular in TVs. 

With the popularity of HDMI, I’ve seen an increase in people who want to connect their computer to two monitors with only one HDMI port. This is often referred to as “daisy chaining” or “tiling.”

The problem is that when you attempt to do this in most cases, your computer will recognize only one monitor at a time. You can’t have both connected at once. 

If you have multiple monitors connected through different ports (such as VGA or DVI), this won’t be a problem because each monitor will be receiving its own signal from its own port.

As for as there are several benefits of using multiple screens as compare to one screen.

You may have had success using one adapter cable if you’re using non-HDMI monitors or if you’re using only one monitor with an HDMI port but you still want to use another monitor.

But if you’re trying to use two monitors with two HDMI ports by daisy chaining them together, then it’s unlikely that this method will work for you unless both monitors are compatible.

Additional Tips and Tricks

When using a HDMI port to run dual monitors, the first step is to connect your computer to the monitor you want to use as your primary monitor. 

This can be done by plugging an HDMI cable into the HDMI port on both devices and then connecting the other end of the cable to an available HDMI port on your monitor.

-Once this is done, you should make sure that both devices are turned on. 

Your computer will likely automatically detect the presence of a second screen and ask if you want it to extend or duplicate what is being displayed on your primary monitor.

If you have multiple displays connected via USB or DisplayPort connectors and want them all to appear as one large desktop space, then choose Extend mode instead of Duplicate mode.

-If your computer does not automatically detect another display connected via HDMI cable then open:

Control Panel > Display > Screen Resolution > Advanced Settings > Multiple Displays > Enable Multi-Display Mode and click Apply. After this has been completed, restart your computer.

Advanced Dual Monitor Configurations

Dual monitor configurations can be tricky. While there are a few ways to run two monitors with only one HDMI port, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. 

First of all, it’s important to understand that not all monitors are created equal. 

Some monitors support more than one input at a time (called “multi display”) while others only support one (called “single display”). 

If your monitor supports multi display, then you can connect multiple computers or laptops to HDMI at once and use them together.

This will give you an experience similar to running two separate monitors on a single computer.

 If your monitor only supports a single display, then you’ll need two different ports for each monitor: one for the computer and another for the second device (like a laptop).

Summarizing Lines

In this blog I have discussed How To Run Dual Monitors With One HDMI Port? 

It is a problem for many people. If you are facing this problem then share this article with your friends. Follow these steps and enjoy.


Will running dual monitors with one HDMI port affect performance?

Yes, if you’re using the same monitor for both screens. If you have two monitors, you can use different ones for each screen and it won’t affect performance at all.

What hardware do I need to run dual monitors with one HDMI port?

To run dual monitors with one HDMI port, you will need a graphics card with two HDMI ports. If you have an older card and want to use it, you can purchase a new card that has two HDMI ports 

Can I mix and match monitor types when using dual monitors with one HDMI port?

Yes, your computer will recognize a mix of different monitor types—for example, you can use one HDMI and one DisplayPort monitor—as long as the hardware supports it.

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